DGSA consultancy

When do I need a DGSA (Dangerous Good Safety Advisor)?

A Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA) must be appointed by any business that regularly ships Dangerous Goods by Road and their duties include an annual report to assess compliance with The Regulations and give advice on any improvements that should be considered. Even if businesses do not ship the goods themselves, but manage the shipments through a third-party, they may still require a DGSA.
You must have a dangerous goods safety adviser (DGSA) if you transport dangerous goods unless:

• you only do it occasionally, e.g. breakdown recovery vehicles
• you’re only receiving the dangerous goods (you’re the ‘consignee’)
• they’re in ‘limited quantities’
• you’re moving them a very short distance by road, e.g. between buildings on an industrial estate
• you’re using private vehicles

If you are unsure whether you require a DGSA, just give us a call and we can help.  Tel 01463 242484

What are the requirements of a DGSA?

1. A DGSA is required to assist businesses with support on the compliance and administration of Dangerous Goods. They are required to produce an annual report to the business and this will typically follow an audit of the facility and processes.

2. A DGSA is required under ADR and their duties are outlined in ADR Section 1.8.

What does our DGSA Consultancy Service offer?

• We offer a full Dangerous Goods Support Service. This includes all of the DGSA requirements, but aims to go further so that we can actually add value to your business.

• Our DGSAs are qualified to ship Dangerous Goods Road (ADR), they also have extensive experience in Operations, Freight and International Trade. This enables us to give realistic and practical suggestions for any improvements across Air, Road and Sea, as well as highlighting any unnecessary steps in your Dangerous Goods process.

Our Dangerous Goods Support service with a DGSA includes the following:

• An appointed DGSA for 12 months to represent your organisation, should the competent authority and/or clients, wish to speak to your DGSA.

• A full annual audit of your facility, including a full audit report and compliance certificate.

• Annual briefing on any regulation changes affecting your products.

• Automatic notification of ad-hoc regulatory changes (including corrigenda and addenda to The Regulations)

• Five support queries per month. These can be used for any advice and clarification that your team might require.

Additional costs, such as incident investigations and extra support queries, are charged separately.
please call us on 01463 242484 or Email info@highlandtrainingsolutions.co.uk

Want to find out more?

For more information and course availability please call 01463 242484 or Email us at info@highlandtrainingsolutions.co.uk

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